Eind september 2022 wordt in Wenen tijdens het Euprera congres het artikel gepresenteerd.
Coebergh, P.H., Schriemer, M.G., Cotton, A.M., Blaga, M., Pujol, M.C., Anton, A., Sueldo, M., Gonçalves, G. & Cuenca, J. (2022) What On Earth Do Communication Professionals Do? The anatomy of communication management ( pdf, 419 KB ). Paper to be presented at the EUPRERA 2022 Congress, September 21-24, 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Korte synopsis vind je hier.
As the world gets more connected, the importance of organizational communication rises (Coebergh, 2011; Cornelissen, 2020). However, there is still little agreement on what communication is, let alone how to practice it (Littlejohn et al., 2017). Managing communication is what communication professionals do, for a living. But what do they exactly do, and how should they do it? We started to explore these questions to better understand, and improve, the work of communication professionals, in as many countries we can handle.
Het pdf-document van het gehele artikel vind je hier.